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Brown Brothers Australian Tawny 750ml

This exceptional Australian Tawny is smooth, rich, and packed with intense flavours of toffee, maple, and spice: a luscious, fortified wine offering boasting flavours of caramel and aged rancio. A dessert-lovers dream, pair a flourless chocolate cake topped with double cream.

Burmester 10YO Tawny Porto 750ml

The Burmester Port House dates back to the 18th Century.

Burmester Jockey Club Reserve Tawny Porto 750ml

The Burmester Port House dates back to the 18th Century.

Burmester Ruby Porto 750ml

The Burmester Port House dates back to the 18th Century.

Burmester Tawny Porto 750ml

A prestigious brand of barrel aged, single harvest port. Serve slightly chilled - a fabulous drink on their own or an amazing accompaniment to sweet desserts.

Cockburn's Fine Ruby Port 750ml

Ruby Ports are a blend of young, vibrant wines from different harvests. They are kept for an average of two to three years in oak vats before they are blended, fined and bottled ready to enjoy. Cockburn's Fine Ruby is a full-bodied Port with ripe red-fruit flavours, balanced with a fine structure. Perfect at the end of a dinner or simply to enjoy with good friends on relaxed occasions.

Cockburn's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Tawny Ports are a blend of young wines from various harvests, are kept for an average of two to three years in casks. They are lighter in colour than Ruby Ports and combine the fruitiness of young wines and the nuttiness derived from the maturation in seasoned oak casks. Cockburn's Fine Tawny is an elegant Port with mellow and spicy flavours. Perfect served chilled at the end of a dinner or simply to enjoy with good friends on relaxed occasions.

Cockburn's Special Reserve Port 750ml

Cockburn's Special Reserve was originally introduced in 1969 as the first great Reserve Port, creating an entirely new Port category that was fundamental to the success of Port and the Douro over the following decades. Cockburn's Special Reserve is a very fine wine selected for its richness and concentration, from the finest vineyards in the Upper Douro and matured in oak casks for five years. This longer wood ageing gives its fruity and full-bodied palate a distinctive dry finish, making Cockburn's Special Reserve the benchmark for all Reserve Ports.

De Bortoli DB Family Selection Reserve Tawny Port 750ml

Smooth tawny flavours, caramel toffee with hints of barrel aged flavours and a rich lingering finish.

De Bortoli Old Boys 21 Years Barrel Aged Tawny 500ml

Initally luscious with richly concentrated fruit and nut flavours. Tawnys are a traditional after dinner wine. Savouir with a platter of cheese.

Graham's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Graham's Tawny Port offers a fine balance of fruitiness and nuttiness, derived from ageing in casks. A very versatile style of Port, suitable for drinking on any occasion. Reddish tawny colour, with ripe fruit aromas nicely balanced by hints dried fuits, and on the palate slightly dry, elegant and smooth.

Grant Burge Aged Tawny 750ml

The spicy fruit flavours are a legacy of the high proportion of grenache and add a lifted freshness to the more complex aged characters in the background. The palate is smooth and rich, with the mid-palate sweetness balanced by an elegant drying finish.
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