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Brown Brothers Australian Tawny 750ml

This exceptional Australian Tawny is smooth, rich, and packed with intense flavours of toffee, maple, and spice: a luscious, fortified wine offering boasting flavours of caramel and aged rancio. A dessert-lovers dream, pair a flourless chocolate cake topped with double cream.

Burmester Jockey Club Reserve Tawny Porto 750ml

The Burmester Port House dates back to the 18th Century.

Burmester Ruby Porto 750ml

A vigorous and elegant nose, where the liveliness of its aromas stand out. Its exceptionally fresh and fruity bouquet delivers a unique palate: robust, lively and persistent. Served plain, chilled or with ice, it is excellent as an aperitif or equally delicious at any time of the day. A versatile and fresh wine, great with both a vast array of desserts and with cheeses of medium strength. Enjoy it with a strawberry and yoghurt mousse, a red berry clafouti or a Camembert millefeuille with raspberries and rosemary.

Burmester Tawny Porto 750ml

A vivid golden-brown colour. The aromas of ripe fruit are abundant on the nose, with appealing notes of vanilla. On the palate it is delightfully fresh with a marked fruity character. Velvety, round and remarkably engaging. Served very chilled and with some dried fruit as an aperitif. Perfect with desserts that include caramel, coffee, apricot and dried fruit or pair it with caramelised walnuts, tiramisu, hazelnut meringue pie and mild cheeses (such as Brie).

Cantine Florio Gran Chef Fine Ambra Demi-Sec Marsala 750ml

Amber with streaks of brown gold. Intense with subtle hints of oak and dried fruit. Balanced with a characteristic taste of almonds and hints of liquorice.

De Bortoli DB Family Selection Reserve Tawny Port 750ml

Smooth tawny flavours, caramel toffee with hints of barrel aged flavours and a rich lingering finish.

De Bortoli Old Boys 21 Years Barrel Aged Tawny 500ml

Initally luscious with richly concentrated fruit and nut flavours. Tawnys are a traditional after dinner wine. Savouir with a platter of cheese.

Graham's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Graham's Tawny Port offers a fine balance of fruitiness and nuttiness, derived from ageing in casks. A very versatile style of Port, suitable for drinking on any occasion. Reddish tawny colour, with ripe fruit aromas nicely balanced by hints dried fuits, and on the palate slightly dry, elegant and smooth.

Grant Burge Aged Tawny 750ml

The spicy fruit flavours are a legacy of the high proportion of grenache and add a lifted freshness to the more complex aged characters in the background. The palate is smooth and rich, with the mid-palate sweetness balanced by an elegant drying finish.

Harveys Solera Sherry The Bristol Cream 750ml

No. 1 Sherry Brand Globally. Appearance is a deep golden colour. Full and fragrant on the nose, elegant and pungent. Palate is a full-bodied, rich, mellow, long lasting and velvety. 80% Palomino & 20% Pedro Ximénez grapes. Enjoy Harveys Bristol Cream over ice with a fresh lemon wedge. Enjoy chilled.

Nola's Rich Cream 1.5 Litre

Nola's Rich Cream is made from New Zealand grown grapes, ripened to perfection and fortified to retain a luscious sweetness. Rich and smooth, best served slightly chilled with your favourite dessert or in your favourite trifle recipe. Not only a delicious dessert wine, Nola's Rich Cream is also perfect to sip over the course of a meal, to bring out the full flavours of this sherry like wine. Particularly delicious with olives, nuts, cured meats, fish dishes and hard salty cheese.

Nola's Rich Ruby 1.5 Litre

Nola's Rich Ruby is a 100 year old family recipe, made in the Portuguese style of a ruby port. Nicely balanced sweetness, with rounded fruit flavours. Serve with dried fruits or nuts-based dessert, cheese, as a warming after dinner drink or lightly chilled as an aperitif. The fourth generation of the Nola family continues over 100 years of family wine making history and tradition.
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