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Fickle Mistress Pinot Gris 750ml

Light in colour, luscious pear with hints of honeysuckle. The vibrant palate is refreshing with a textured round finish.

Giesen Estate Pinot Gris 750ml

Aromas from pear drops, peach and honeydew.

Huntaway Reserve Pinot Gris 750ml

Huntaway Reserve captures the natural flavours from each of New Zealand's distinct wine growing regions and crafts them to match the finest local produce.

Jules Taylor Pinot Gris 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

Leefield Station Pinot Gris 750ml

From the makers of The Ned and The King Series, named after the iconic Leefield Station.

M by Montana Pinot Gris 750ml

This vibrant Pinot Gris from Marlborough is bursting with nashi pear, guava and tropical fruit notes. A great match with a grilled chicken salad or gourmet pizza

Matawhero Single Vineyard Pinot Gris 750ml

The Pinot Gris is a pale straw colour with a hint of gold. A fragrant wine with jasmine, almond and pear notes. Palate is full-bodied wine with spice, pear, fig and honeysuckle favours. The wine is soft, voluptuous and very drinkable. Food Match - Fish, chicken, pork dishes or Japanese food. Vegan Friendly.

Maude Pinot Gris 750ml

Quince, musk and rose petal florals - textural and fuller bodied from partial fermentation in seasoned oak barrels.

McArthur Ridge Falls Dam Pinot Gris 750ml

From Falls Dam, the reservoir delivering the life's blood, pure glacial feed waters ensure McArthur Ridge vineyards exceptional vibrancy. Located in the heart of this unforgiving mountainous region Central Otago sits the expansive vineyard of McArthur Ridge. The cool climate and gently sloping Brassknocker soils combine to deliver what some consider to be amongst the finest vineyards in the world for growing Pinot. Expressions of limes, crunchy apples, white peach, lychee, and wildflower aromatics, leading to a flint minerality. Finishes with a deeply rich textured palate, loads of elegance and poise.

Montana Affinity Pinot Gris 750ml

Montana Affinity Pinot Gris retains the full flavour and aromas typical of their Pinot Gris, but made in a low alcohol expression. It has aromas of ripe pear, rockmelon and white florals. The balanced fresh acid comes with generous pear, apple and confectionery notes. Perfect match with Veal scallopini, mushroom risotto, fresh salad with grilled chicken.

Montana Classics Pinot Gris 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. Ripe pear and almond blossom aromas. Fleshy palate with slight oily texture, balanced fresh acid bring through generous pear and apple flavours.

Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Pinot Gris 750ml

The grapes for Roaring Meg come from Mt Difficulty's Cromwell basin vineyards managed by their dedicated viticultural team. Roaring Meg Pinot Gris features lifted and aromatic notes of jasmine, green pear & grapefruit on the nose. A vibrant palate of red apple, lime, yellow plum and lychee with balanced freshness from the acidity and residual sweetness for a buoyant and juicy finish.
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